Bogat in kompleksen obrok z zelo kakovostnimi sestavinami in hranljivo sestavo, ki pomaga zmanjšati občutek utrujenosti. Uporablja se lahko med shujševalno dieto kot napitek, ki ga hitro pripravite med delovnim dnem kot nadomestek za obrok, da telesu zagotovite dobro počutje z natančno mešanico zelo kakovostnih sestavin.
A rich and complex meal with high-quality ingredients and a nutritious composition that helps reduce the feeling of fatigue. It can be used during a weight loss diet as a smoothie, which is quickly prepared during the working day as a substitute for a meal to ensure your body is well-being with an accurate mix of high-quality ingredients. Fusion B:HIP is stored in practical single-serving bags that are easy to store and use on the go.
Restoration, operation, energy*
*The product contains, but are not limited to, vitaminS C and vitamins B3, B6 and B12. The words "renewal,"operation", "energy" refer to the health claims made by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) which apply to these ingredients.
– Vitamins B3, B6 and B12 are important for metabolism with normal energy efficiency
– vitamins B3 and B12 help to reduce feelings of fatigue and exhaustion
– vitamin C helps to reduce feelings of fatigue and exhaustion
– vitamin C is important for normal energy metabolism
– vitamin C helps to protect cells from oxidative stress
FUSION products cannot be obtained from normal stores. We believe that the buyer of the products should be presented and advised on how to use them in order to reach maximum potential in the best way possible.